Thursday, November 10, 2011

Anyone in the holiday spirit?

So, here I am again, back at the blog, taking a "break", (a.k.a. trying to cram in 50 things to do after 9p.m. when my lovely little ladies fall into a deep sleep)and am thinking of the upcoming holiday's visibly in sight.  I think today's weather was a little more like November should be, and has put me in that "holiday mode" of trying to get some thoughts together for Thanksgiving dinner.  I am going to propose something a little different this year, and see what my husband thinks of it: GOING OUT TO DINNER! Ya, right, his response will be. Well, it was just a fleeting thought, so I guess we will have to come up w/ a traditional, yet, unique dining experience. I would like something swedish-shmoorgasbordish(is that spelled right?)-ha, because as you all know, we are a little "swedish" around here. So, there it is, a menu specializing in swedish delights, forget the rice pudding though.  I'll get right on that.  In the mean-time, both Hailey and Emily are starting to have quite an opinion about what they are going to eat(and not eat), so I might have to get a little input from them.  I am sure they will help out w/ dessert options. I sure wish I had the ability to post pictures right now, since I have some recent pics of funny little faces w/ food smeared across their noses and mouths, but since I am a "nuby" blogger, I cannot provide those pics as of yet.  I hope to share some very soon, so I can officially get this party started w/ blog, pictures, stories and all.  Fun times.  I truly am enjoying this new experience as a blogger, despite what I may blog about probably will bore anyone reading to absolute tears. Oh, well, it's my blog, they can cry if they want to- :-)


  1. Ya Hoo!!- love the idea of a blog and hopefully pics to follow shortly. Keep 'em coming....won't be long and Hailey can teach you how to do all this high tech stuff!!
    love and miss you, Gma Jan

  2. I posted a comment on "Sweetish" rice pudding, but your blog host must have eaten it and has the same sediments. So I will try again..... I like Swedish Rice Pudding, it is so good that no good Northsman would pass up seconds. Just ask Olga and Swens.

  3. The post above is from Bruce not Jan. We too are struggling with the postings using our names. Can Hailey help??

