Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!

Happy Thanksgiving! We are going to enjoy the day sharing it w/ dear friends, and thanking the Lord for good health, and an abundance of food, Bless us all. We also had a friend join us yesterday, as he came in the mail in an amazon box; his official name is "Cookie", the elf on the shelf. He is going to watch over the girls and report to Santa every night, giving a "good" or "bad" report! Hailey just loves him! I hope they get more good reports than bad-we shall see :-) Thanks G-ma Jan and Papa! Many Blessings! xoxo

Monday, November 14, 2011

I think I may have figured out how to post a picture w/ a blog, so thanks to my sister-in-law, Julie, (:-) here is an updated picture of my glamour girls dancing to Taylor Swift in Hailey's room.  I swear, if Hailey ever gets to meet Taylor(I think Rob is intentionally saying he doesn't know anyone in her camp), I pity anyone who would try to stop that 6yr. old from talking to her all night....I hope it shows up... AND just to let those know who have been hearing about the countdown to "no more "bebe", we have officially kicked the habit as of two days ago.......Emily no longer enjoys her binky, and thinks the tinkerbell fairy night-light should watch over it indefinately.  Rob sabbotaged it so it wouldn't stay inflated when she went to suck on it in her mouth......what a mean dad! :-)

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Anyone in the holiday spirit?

So, here I am again, back at the blog, taking a "break", (a.k.a. trying to cram in 50 things to do after 9p.m. when my lovely little ladies fall into a deep sleep)and am thinking of the upcoming holiday's visibly in sight.  I think today's weather was a little more like November should be, and has put me in that "holiday mode" of trying to get some thoughts together for Thanksgiving dinner.  I am going to propose something a little different this year, and see what my husband thinks of it: GOING OUT TO DINNER! Ya, right, his response will be. Well, it was just a fleeting thought, so I guess we will have to come up w/ a traditional, yet, unique dining experience. I would like something swedish-shmoorgasbordish(is that spelled right?)-ha, because as you all know, we are a little "swedish" around here. So, there it is, a menu specializing in swedish delights, forget the rice pudding though.  I'll get right on that.  In the mean-time, both Hailey and Emily are starting to have quite an opinion about what they are going to eat(and not eat), so I might have to get a little input from them.  I am sure they will help out w/ dessert options. I sure wish I had the ability to post pictures right now, since I have some recent pics of funny little faces w/ food smeared across their noses and mouths, but since I am a "nuby" blogger, I cannot provide those pics as of yet.  I hope to share some very soon, so I can officially get this party started w/ blog, pictures, stories and all.  Fun times.  I truly am enjoying this new experience as a blogger, despite what I may blog about probably will bore anyone reading to absolute tears. Oh, well, it's my blog, they can cry if they want to- :-)

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Well, here we go!

 First time as an official blogger, and it feels great!  I want to use this blog mainly as a means to keep in touch with all of the many cherished people in my life, and open up a small window into the crazy day and life of our family.   I would like to dedicate this blog to my husband, and my girls(and Autumn) for being the motivation behind starting this blog, and sharing my deep love I have for my family.  So, here we go! Let the legacy of The TN Bull family begin! Cheers!