Sunday, April 26, 2020

What have we been up to during COVID-19 Lockdown in TN?????

Hello! Yes, long time no write! I guess I don't have the excuse "No time to write", so here is an update and some colorful pix of our "at home vacay" in TN: It has been a very humbling and really wonderful experience actually(experiment of "family social tolerance") that has led to much creative thinking and heart-felt family experiences.  This may be one of those times in everyone's life no matter what stage you may be in, that you have to look inward to find out what makes you tick and what matters to you and your family. I have found that this experience has made us more aware of how to cook, eat, keep busy, and mostly just how to "get along" during this time. :) Here is some examples of it all.
 This was our spring break camping trip in Chattanooga, TN in mid-March before the "Lockdown" went into effect.  Many of the tourist attractions were already closed, but we got to hike in some of the park area.

 The girls enjoyed finding rocks at the campground.

There was a cave right at the campground and got a tour of it!
 People said it's better than Ruby Falls; we will have to get a tour of that next time to compare.

 The little train/car took them down into the cave-they are brave! I let them enjoy that experience since I don't enjoy enclosed spaces. :-)
                           Here is us at the firepit, enjoying some campfire time at the campground.
                                            This is Lola practicing her "Social Distancing" :-) in the camper!!!!!
We got the boat out and broke it in for the first time this spring; the weather has been very nice, and so we have tried ways to take advantage of the 60-70 degree weather.
Happy Easter! We had a nice time with coloring our eggs and celebrating w/ our typical traditions!

 The girls made these little sheep out of q-tips! How creative, right?!

 We have been biking a lot since we got our new bike-rack for the car, and have gone down to the bike/walking path in Gallatin. It's been GREAT exercise!

 There is a creek next to the path and the girls enjoy stopping and stepping in it to take a break!

 This has become the new norm, finding different masks to wear out in public; we don't take them on our bike rides, however! 
 Setting up the camper and the hammock have been a great addition to our yard, and having some fun in the barn too!!!!

Just "Hangin" around! 
 Slime, anyone?????? The slime queen made some extra "slimy" creations.
 AND, for the best part of Rob's time so far..... a NEW dining room table for us! Since he has been working from home, he's had a lot more time to devote to his wood-working and decided to make a master-piece! We love it, now I just have to get new chairs/and or re-work the old ones we have! We will see how much more time is on our hands.
 We are going to hopefully see some changes coming up this next week or two, as our state is lifting "at home" orders at the end of the month.  My hope is that everyone continues to stay healthy, and we will all appreciate our health-care workers being there for us in case we need them. THANKYOU!


  1. Yes, I think we are learning more about togetherness and creativity than any formal school subjects. Nice catching up with y'all. Stay healthy and happy!

  2. Great to see all the special times you are having as a family-- love to see those smiles:) Miss you...
