Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Idaho Summer Trip

 Here we go on another Idaho adventure!!!!!

 Bear World is always a fun place to re-visit!!!!!

 Got a good pic of g-ma and g-pa Bull with g-kids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                           A wonderful picnic at the park before we went to the Idaho Zoo!!!
More pictures from the Nat'l park we went to.........Craters everywhere......neat park.

 There was a cave everyone adventured to........very cool!

 Lots of card-games played on this table at night-Na-Na-Na-Na-hey hey hey, Good-bye!!! That was the call when you got out of the game!!!!!!!!!!

 We went to a trampoline park! Wow, lots of jumping and lots of fun!!!!!!

 We saw the Pocatello bowling alley, and it was a blast!!!!!!!

 Then we stopped and got some awesome icecream and smoothies afterward!!!!!!!
 Smile cousins!!!!!!!!!!!!
 We saw this beautiful rainbow form right from Rich and Kari's back deck! SO neat!

 This was a really neat reservoire/water park in Pocatello we went to for some swimming!

 Hanging out on the back deck...................

 Some of the pets at the Idaho Bull's house! Taylor's horse, "Daisy" and one of the 4 kitty's there!!!

It was so fun to catch up and make some fun memories!!

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