Thursday, June 4, 2015

Memorial Day visit to Illinois!

 Meeting Kayla for the first time!!!!!!!!!!! She is such a happy baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 Kayla and Hailey playing.                                              Aunt Kristin teaching Kayla how to wave!
 We celebrated Hailey's 10th birthday, what a great cake and birthday celebration!!!!  Thanks!

We got Hailey her first violin!!!!

 Boating and biking, our two favorite things to do when we visit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lala's house on the swing...............great weather while we visited this time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Someone was tired!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Great pics- Congrats to Emily and Hailey on their excellent school year! Glad we could share in the celebration.
