Thursday, June 25, 2015

Happy Father's Day~and Beyond

 Rob and the girls enjoying our new pool!~~It's been a nice place to just relax and take in the moments!

 Daddy and the girls went blackberry picking, and found some good ones behind our driveway on Joe's land.

Reflecting on many of the past two weeks moments of loss, hope, love and finally joy, these flowers were just a few of the many sent to Rob as he recovered from his time in the hospital. Thankyou to all who prayed for him and sent many positive thoughts our way.  They all payed off, as you can see by these pictures.  Life is so precious, every moment is a true gift.
Thanks to "papa", my dad as well for being such a great Dad, especially when the girls needed some family to be with while I was with Rob.  The pillows were made in the picture with Grandma Jan at their house while Rob was getting stronger to come home.  They are being well used right now!

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Memorial Day visit to Illinois!

 Meeting Kayla for the first time!!!!!!!!!!! She is such a happy baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 Kayla and Hailey playing.                                              Aunt Kristin teaching Kayla how to wave!
 We celebrated Hailey's 10th birthday, what a great cake and birthday celebration!!!!  Thanks!

We got Hailey her first violin!!!!

 Boating and biking, our two favorite things to do when we visit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lala's house on the swing...............great weather while we visited this time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Someone was tired!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What a great School Year, Hailey!

Hailey at the award ceremony for end of school achievements...........

 Super great job! A Honor roll for the whole year!!         We are proud of you, girl!

 Mrs. Brewington, 4th grade teacher                                 One of Hailey's good friends in class.

So, we celebrated end of the school year and Hailey's birthday, going out for dinner, hibachi style at our favorite restaurant, Kabuto's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 Mickey Mouse Rice :-()

They sang Happy Birthday, and then the table next to us gave the girls some cupcakes from another birthday party that was in the room! It was lots of fun!!!!!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Oh, wait! Happy Graduation Emily!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 HAPPY KINDERGARTEN GRADUATION!!!!!! Now we know our Pledge of Allegiance and "Your a Grand Ole Flag"song!  Just kidding! There's SOO much more Emily knows now that she is officially graduated from the big K out Einstein wanna-be's, here she comes!
 Emily and the best Kindergarten teacher..........ever!!!!!!!!!  Says, Emily......................

                                                               Emily and some of her besties..........

                          Emily and her teacher, and then Emily and Mr. Henderson, the Principal!
Lots of Love to our big-girl Emmy-G.    We are so very proud of you and your great first year at Benny Bills Elementary.