Sunday, March 29, 2015

Sumner County Music Festival~2015

 Hailey was excited and nervous to be a part of the Sumner Music Festival last week at GHS!
 Here are the kids from Hailey's school representing the Xylophone group that were chosen to play.

 20+ area grade schools participated in different groups, the one below is a drum group that played.

Below is Hailey on the Xylophone(standing-left).


  There was a group that square-danced as well; I didn't know they still had that for grade-school! :-0

We were really proud Hailey got to be a part of this music group; she was one of just a few 4th graders to go, as this was mostly 5th grade music kids.  They played at the prestigious Gallatin High School!  LOL!  It was fun to watch all the grade schools come together to play music w/ each other.


  1. Yikes- she looks so grown up! Congrats on what I'm sure is one of the many times she will makes us proud!
