Monday, July 16, 2012

July Tidings :-)

So I thought I could keep up w/ a blog at least 2 times a month, but it looks like I have been slacking a bit.  Oh well, life happens, but we keep going.  In the past month, there have been some very interesting happenings, but some of the highlights are: a trip to the ER on JUNE 13th!, a trip to St. Louis for a wedding shower and to see the St. Louis zoo, and lots of fun with grandma and grandpa Bull, who came to TN. for a nice long visit over the 4th of July.  I would not like to share all the details of the ER, but I am sure Hailey can tell you the ambulance ride was worth it, and will also tell you the stuffed animal she got to have during the ride("Peanutbutter"=the monkey)was the best ever.  Just for the record, bricks and slip-n-slides don't mix, and Hailey can vouch for that w/ 12 stitches in her right knee.  "kneedless" to say, she is doing awesome now, and it only slowed her down a day or two-She promised this was the last time she would be going to the ER, and I sincerely hope she can keep her promise for a LONG LONG time!  Moving on,  we celebrated a wonderful wedding shower w/ our cousin, who is getting married in October of this year! We are all very excited for Amy, and wish her many years of "happiness" :-)  Finally, Da Bull grandparents got a chance to come down for a nice long visit to TN. and get in on some grand-child action that was long over due.  The girls helped celebrate Grandma's 67th birthday too, so it was a very nice visit.  I can't stress how hot it has become in the last two to three days here-we finally got RAIN after the long drought, and now it's like the Amazon down here.  I can't wait until August, when it gets even more humid! :-)

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