Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Happy Mom's Day

So, I just wanted to take a moment today, and write about  Mother's Day.  I woke up this morning, and was greeted by my oldest daughter, with a sweet "hi mommy, I have your breakfast for you", and then served me in bed with peanut-butter toast and a very large bowl filled to the top with milk.......
and "some" cheerios.  It was a very sweet gesture; so, I then asked her (since she was in the serving mode) to please see about some orange juice for me, since I have been a little under the weather, and my throat was a little achy; she said "sure mommy-Happy Mother's Day".  She then came back up to my room, ice clinking on her way up the stairs, holding a nice "pilsner glass" full of OJ for me.  I almost laughed, but somehow kept it in, but I did say "wow, that sure is a big glass of orange juice for me-thanks a lot!" I drank some right away, b/c she then wanted me come down stairs to go on a treasure hunt for some things she had hidden for me.  I enjoyed the little treasure hunt, and found a musical card, a picture she colored for me, and a home-made stuffed animal she had worked on all last night and this morning before I awoke. She was very diligent.  I said thank you so much for all the presents, and gave her a big hug.  It was so sweet to see Hailey's enthusiasm for wanting to make my day special.  I don't know if this kind of thoughtfulness comes from anywhere in particular-did we teach her this, is it just what makes her who she is, or is it just what children think on a daily basis about their parents, but only really get to show it on special occasions-I don't know, and I really don't care-it was just a very special moment, and it really did make my day feel complete.  Despite getting over a bit of a cold, I did feel better after having that big glass of OJ, and getting lots of hugs from two of the best daughters that I could ever love. One other sweet moment I should mention, and this is for those who have a love for animals(birds in particular); I have been waiting to see the hummingbirds come back to start visiting our feeders once more behind my kitchen window, and I have not had hardly any luck this spring-I put out a new feeder with bright colored water(which I normally don't do, but I was really hoping they would show up); still it seemed they just weren't interested or in the vicinity.  I was beginning to doubt I would see any, (especially since today was a very wet and rainy day), but then all of a sudden as I was eating the end of a pop tart and glanced out the window, there she was, in her glory, a beautiful female hummingbird, feasting on the red juice I prepared for her over a week ago!  I was thrilled! And then there was another one, waiting to get a taste as well, and it was as if they said "Here we are, we are wet and cold,  and we need some energy to stay warm! Thanks for the goods!"  Now, that truly made my day complete.  I hope every mother found something to make them feel complete today, and I love all of you mothers out there-making the world a better place for children everywhere! 

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you were treated royally!! Hailey was certainly busy....glad to hear you had such a lovely day- rain and all.
    See you Soon!!
