Thursday, December 1, 2011

Happy 3rd Birthday Emily!

Oh my goodness! My sweet baby girl turned 3yrs. old yesterday! So, what happens to time when you have children, I know for a fact that it speeds up, but no one ever told me that when I decided to have kids-another well-kept secret from those who walked a path before us! I am always amazed how well Emily handles extra attention, for example, she told us all to "be quiet" when we shouted "Happy Birthday Emily" and walked away to see what Max & Ruby were up to on TV-We will have a Clifford party saturday w/ cake and icecream, as she adores that big red dog. Until then, she is enjoying her other best friend, Dora, and sharing it w/ her big sister-Hailey. Oh, and it's our little cousin, Jacob's 2nd birthday today! Hope you have fun, little buddy! Oh, the joys of the season, birthdays and all!


  1. Glad to know 3 year olds can still enjoy Dora!! Wish we could be there to celebrate with you all.

  2. Jacob says hi, he had a fun day too. He likes cars and trucks .... sorry Dora.

    Love, Papa
