Sunday, December 25, 2011

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas Cheer

I actually got them dressed in the same outfit! This is a once in a lifetime picture. It may never happen again!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Where is Cookie?

That is the question we are asking every morning until Christmas-Where is Cookie? Here is Cookie recently; I have heard other elves being quite nosey and clever, but Cookie just likes to have good hiding places.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Cookie and Christmas pose

Happy Holidays! I got a good snapshot of my "three" elves, so I thought I would share them. It was such a good picture, I made it as my snapshot for my I.D. on my google acount.(at least for now). More to follow soon. We got more lights put up in the bushes in the front, so that made Hailey happy. I wish I could find more lights like I have, as they are peppermint-style lights, with the wrapper on them-very cute, but I believe they will be hard to find again-if anyone happens to see some that look like that, please let me know!! Happy shopping!

Friday, December 9, 2011

It's a countdown

"Oh, You better watch out, you better not cry, better not shout I'm telling you why, Santa Claus is coming to save the day! The girls are in full festive swing, and it's only getting more festive as the days are counted down! The neighborhood is really dressed up in lights this year, and according to the 6yr. old lights police, we are falling short. So, I will be going to Lowe's or Walmart tomorrow to see what we can do to beat the competition, or at least just keep up. Wish us luck. Happy Holidays!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Happy 3rd Birthday Emily!

Oh my goodness! My sweet baby girl turned 3yrs. old yesterday! So, what happens to time when you have children, I know for a fact that it speeds up, but no one ever told me that when I decided to have kids-another well-kept secret from those who walked a path before us! I am always amazed how well Emily handles extra attention, for example, she told us all to "be quiet" when we shouted "Happy Birthday Emily" and walked away to see what Max & Ruby were up to on TV-We will have a Clifford party saturday w/ cake and icecream, as she adores that big red dog. Until then, she is enjoying her other best friend, Dora, and sharing it w/ her big sister-Hailey. Oh, and it's our little cousin, Jacob's 2nd birthday today! Hope you have fun, little buddy! Oh, the joys of the season, birthdays and all!